Spelling proficiency of grade nine students

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Department of English Educaion
This research entitled Spelling Proficiency of Grade Nine Students examined spelling proficiency of grade nine students studying in different institutional and community schools of Surkhet district. It was survey research where sample of the study were 40 students studying in grade nine in Surkhet district. The participants for the study were selected by using non-random purposive sampling technique. In order to reach requirement of the sample size ten students: five girls and five boys were selected from each schools; two institutional and two community schools. Similarly, the required data were collected through dictation and spelling contest using a paragraph and a list of words. The answers of the respondents were analyzed and interpreted quantitatively. It was found out that the spelling proficiency of grade nine students was good (based on predetermined marking criteria) as they achieved more than 50%. In comparison to institutional and community school, the students of institutional schools were found better at spelling and among boys and girls, the boys were more proficient than the girls in their spelling proficiency. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter incorporates background of the study. It also presents statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. Similarly, the second chapter consists of the review of the theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, implications of review for the study, and theoretical framework. The third unit consists of design of the study, population and sample, sampling procedure, data collection tools and procedures of data collection. In the same way, chapter four consists of analysis and interpretation of the information obtained from the selected respondents. The final fifth chapter deals with summary, conclusion, and implications along with some recommendations.