Fertility Experience in 'Kami' Community A Study of Hokse -Bazar VDC in Kabhrepalanchok

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Department of Population
The importance of this research is that it applied multiple disciplinary approaches to the understanding of demographic issues of fertility. The present study dealt with the demographic model of proximate fertility determinants relating to the family values and the social transformations that have taken place in a hill ethnic community of Nepal and its socio-economic cultural life. There are total hundred household taken as census types enumeration for household information and eighty four eligible women taken for individual questionnaire. This study suggest son(s) are strategic resources for such as lineage perpetuation, local and household economy security motive for old age, which are conductive to sustaining high fertility. Thus, the social construction of caste hierarchy, family values, demand for security and labour and education are seen as a political process that unfold over time. It is political in that relations of power within society all shape reproductive practices and in turn are shaped by them.