Teachers’ Beliefs Towardslearners’ Role in Elt Classroom

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Department of English Education
The thesis entitled Teachers’ Beliefs Towards Learners’ Role in ELT Classroomis an attempt to explore teachers’ beliefs towards learners’ role in ELT classroom. The study was mainly conducted considering the fact that it adds a brick in the field of teacher development and ELT and helps English teachers to make their class lively. Similarly, this study was conducted by considering the fact that teachers’ beliefs towards learners’role shape the teaching behaviour of the English language teachers. The study was carried out to find out teachers’ beliefs towards learners’ role in ELT classroom. To meet the objectives of this research, 10teacherswhoareteaching in different schools of Tanahun district were selected as the primary sources of data and I used interview as a tool for data collection. This research concludes that most of the teachers hold beliefs that learners are more important than the teacher in the classroom and learners cannot learn English passively, they should be active in the classroom. It means learners cannot learn only from teachers so they have to explore, read different types of resources and take active participation in different types of activities. Similarly all teachers hold beliefs that learner scan help for teachers’ professional development. I have divided this thesis into four chapters: Introduction, Methodology,Analysis and Interpretation and Findings and Recommendations. The first chapter deals with the general background, review of the related literature, objectives of the study and the significance of the study. The second chapter contains the methodology which is sub-chaptered as the sources of data,sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collection and the limitations of the study. The third chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained from the field. The last or the fourth chapter reports the findings along with recommendations in which some pedagogical implications have been recommended on the basis of the findings of the study.