A Study of the Cultural Terms in the Translated Version of Anido Pahadsangai

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Department of English Education
The present study is entitled ‘A study of the Cultural Terms in theTranslated Version of Anido Pahadsangai’. This thesis attempts to present adescriptive analysisand interpretation of the translation of cultural terms fromNepali into English. The main purpose of this thesis is to find out the mostlyused technique in the translation of the English version of the Novel ‘AnidoPahadasangai’ and the gaps in translation.Two hundred cultural terms fromNepali version of Novel ‘ Anido Pahadsangai’ and the corresponding wordsfrom the English version of the same book were collected for the study. Checklist was used to identify andcategorizethe techniques used in thetranslation.These cultural terms werecategorizingunder five groups as: ecology, materialculture, social culture and organization, religious culture and conceptual terms.Forty terms were listed for each category. The findings of this study show thatnine different techniques were found to have been employed in translatingculturalwords of this novel, they are literal translation, substitution, borrowing,paraphrasing, claque,blending, sense translation, addition, and deletion.Among them literal translation is the most frequent which covers 38.5% andblending is the least one which covers only 1.5%. Similarly six causes of gapsare marked in the study. Among them, gap caused by lack of note or definitionis highly frequent and gap caused by deletion isleast frequent one. This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter one introduces the study interms of general background, review of the related literature, objectives andsignificant of the study. Chapter two deals with the methodology under whichsources of data, process of data collection and limitations of the study arepresented. Chapter third is the core of the study, which presents statisticalanalysis and interpretation of the data. Descriptive and analytical approach wasused. Chapter four discusses the findings of the study. On the basis of findingssome recommendations andpedagogical implications are drawn.Thereferences and appendix are the concluding parts of the study.