Child Loss Experience Among Women in Dalit and Non-Dalit Communities in Pachanali VDC Doti

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Department of Population Studies
This study entitled Child Loss Experience among Women in Dalit and non-Dalit community of Pachanali VDC Doti District is based on the primary data collected in married women who have one child birth. The objective of the study was to assess the status of child loss experience by social, economic and demographic variables. Primary data was collected from 170 households with eligible women in 15-49 years of age, who had a one child birth. Among them each of the Dalit and non Dalit group consisted of 85 respondents. This study examined causal effects of variables like social,demographic, economic. Collected data were coded, recoded and tabulated. Lastly with the help of SPSS find the relationship between and among variables. The major conclusions are: Dalit community had high child loss experience comparedto the non Dalit community. Likewise high number of educational status showed less number of child loss experience. In rich family there were no child loss experiences among 170 respondents. Respondents who had property in their own name had also less number of child loss experience. The chhaupadi tradition had positive relationship with child loss experience in Dalit and non-Dalit community.