English Teacher Hiring Practices in Private Schools

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Department of English Education
The research is entitled as English Teacher Hiring Practices in Private Schools. The main aim of the study was to find out the practices of hiring English teachers at private schools and to explore the qualities and competencies that private schools look at English teachers. In order to conduct the research, I collected data from 50 principals of private schools of Kathmandu district. I also collected the policies made by the government; Education Act, Ministry of Education and Sports, School Criteria and Operation Directives, Employment Act etc. for hiring right person in right position. The sample size consisted of 50 principals working at private schools of Kathmandu district. The principals were selected by using convenience sampling procedure. I prepared 30 survey questions; 26 close-ended and 4 open-ended questions. The same questions were distributed to the principals to elicit their responses. The data were analyzed and discussed to find out the priorities given by private school principals while hiring English teachers. The research findings showed that private schools make their own policies before hiring English teachers as they do not follow all the policies made by the government. Application form, academic qualifications, professional and personal qualities, knowledge of using technology, verbal ability, content knowledge, teaching experience, communication skill, knowledge of vocabulary, performance and competence level are prioritized more in private schools whereas teaching license and training certificates are not prioritized by all private schools while hiring English teachers. Ninety eight percent schools agreed to take interviews and examinations before hiring English teachers. The study consists of five chapters; Chapter one deals with the introduction. It consists of background of the study, statement of the problem, rationale of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Chapter two contains the review of related literature and conceptual framework. It encompasses review of related literature, implication of the review for the study and theoretical as well as conceptual framework. Chapter three introduces the methods and procedures of the study, which includes design of the study, population and sample, sampling procedure, data collection tools and data collection procedures. Chapter four consists of results and discussion of the data. Chapter five incorporates summary, conclusion and implications. On the basis of results and discussion, some significant findings have been drawn. Some implications for the policy level, practice level and further research have been made. This chapter is followed by references and appendices.