English Language Teacher Demotivation: A Narrative Inquiry

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Department of English Education
This study entitled English Language Teacher Demotivation: A Narrative Inquiry has been carried out in order to explore and describe the major factors behind the demotivation of the English teachers teachingat the university campuses of Nepal.In order to carry out this study, Iadopted the narrative inquiry research design. Forth is, four teachers who used to teach in the university campuses of Nepal but have given up their profession of teaching at present time were selected as respondents in order to meet the objective of the study. The teachers were selected following the purposive non-random sampling procedure.In-depth interview were employed as tools of data collection.The data obtained were analyzed and interpreted systematically using a thematic approach. The findings of the study showed that the EFL teachers who used to teach at the university campuses were demotivated due to low payment scale, disruptive behaviours of learners, job insecurity, lack of adequate professional development programmes, political interference,health hazards,personal hobbies and adventures as well as better opportunities at the new job. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the study which consists of the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. Likewise, the second chapter presents the review of related theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, implications of the review for the study along with the conceptual framework of the study.Similarly, the third chapter deals with the methods and procedures of the study which includes design and methods of the study, population,sample and sampling procedure, primary and secondary sources of data, data collection tools and techniques as well as data collection procedures, data analysis and interpretation procedures as well as ethical considerations. In the similar vein, the fourth chapter provides the analysis and interpretation of the results.Finally, the fifth chapter presents the findings,conclusions and policy related, practice related as well as further research related recommendations. This chapter is further followed by the references and appendices.
Empirical literature Empirical Literature, English language, Narrative inquiry