Problemsin Teaching Writingat Secondarylevel

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Department of English Education
The thesis entitled‘Problemsin Teaching Writing’was an attempt of theresearcher to findouttheproblemsofteaching writing at secondary levelschools in Nepal. Itfurther aimedtoexplore the causes of those problems.Boththe primary and secondary sources of datawereused in thisstudy. Descriptiveand analyticalstudy designalong with bothqualitative and quantitative datawereused.A sample offive teachers from purposively sampledfivesecondarylevel community schools fromBhojpurdistrictwastakenforthe study.Thestudy found thatteaching writing is problematic due to the problemsrelated toboth the teachers and the students.Teachers’ problems were related to the threemain context; problems related to teaching preparation, problemsrelated toteaching techniques, and problems related to textbook used.The main problemsrelatedto the students were-neglecting the thinking time, understanding andapplying the aim of writing, passive participation of the students,problems tofollow the writing sequence, students’ age, level, learning style and interests,poor vocabulary, insufficient grammatical knowledge, lack of creativityand soon.There are some specific causes of these problems to occur in teachingwriting. The main causes were found out as-poor professional ability of theteachers, insufficient funding in education by the government, geographicalcomplexity, poor socio-economic level of the parents, lack of writing habit,mother tongue influence in teaching, insufficient writing practice, traditionalways of teaching and learning, personal variables of the students, least focus onstudent participation and so on. The thesis has beendivided intofour chapters.The first chapter deals with thegeneral background,reviewof the relatedliterature, objectives and thesignificance of the study. The second chaptercontains the methodology whichis sub-chaptered as the sources of data, sampling procedure, tools for datacollection, process of data collection and the limitationsof the study. The thirdchapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained from thefield. Thefourth chaptercontainsthe findings and recommendations of thestudy.