Issues and challenges faced by secondary level english teachers in heterogenous classrooms

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Department of English Education
This research entitled Issues and Challenges Faced by Secondary Level English Teachers in Heterogeneous Classrooms is an attempt to explore and challenges faced by secondary level teachers in teaching heterogeneous English classes and find out the strategies to cope with those issues and challenges. I used survey research design to meet the objective of the study. The sample of the study included twenty institutional teachers of secondary level from institutional school of Kathmandu district. I used purposive non-random sampling procedure. I collected data through questionnaire. The study was entirely based on primary sources of data. Data was analyzed quantitively with the help of analytical analysis procedure. Furthermore, findings of this research suggest that whatever issues and challenges find in teaching and learning activities in ELT heterogeneous classroom one of the skillfull teachers easily used his/her strategies and makes his/her classroom effective. This thesis consists of five chapters. Each chapter is divided into different heading and subheading .The first chapter deals with the introduction of the topic in which background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, and significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter consists review of all the related theoretical and empirical literature, their implications on the study and conceptual framework of the whole study. The chapter three consists of the methodological procedure, data analysis and interpretation procedures and ethical considerations. Then fifth chapter deals with findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study. The references and appendixes have been included in the last part of the thesis.