Access to Reproductive Health Services of Reproductive Age Married women in Sworek Vdc, Syangja District

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Department of population studies
The study on " Access to reproductive health services of reproductive age marriedwomen in Sworek VDC Syangja District" has been carried out using primary dataobtained 180 respondents of 9 wards reproductive age married women. The samplingmethod was purposive sampling. Information collection with the help of interviewschedule. The specific objectives of this study are: to identify knowledge about reproductivehealth service in reproductive age married women, to investigate family support to getreproductive health services, to find out practices of pregnancy care services and tofind out used of family planning services. In this study, knowledge about reproductive health found positive. Knowledgeand practices has seen gap. Some women had not time to get RH services. Family member role to get reproductive health services had not foundsatisfactory. There were found speak against about reproductive health services infamily. It is positive shown that decision maker to get RH services were self. Practices of pregnancy care services had slightlypositive found. Approximate fiftypercent only found antenatal checkup. Majority were not done antenatal check upminimum four times. Iron tablet access found not satisfactory. Most of pregnantrespondents were not found service accessibly. Family planning services found satisfactory. Most of women were using familyplanning services. Main share had fall on temporary methods. Encourager of familyplanning role of friends were high. Mass media was the main source of familyplanning services. Main causes never taking FP services had other (absent ofhusband). Satisfaction with RH services in community had found negative.