Socio-economic And Environmental Impact of micro-Hydro Power Project (A Case Study of Lakhar Khola Dubachaur Chunwang VDC, Rukum District)

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Department of rural development
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The thesis work entitled "Socio-Economic and EnvironmentalImpact of Micro-Hydro-Power Project : A Case Study of Lakharkhola Dubachaur Chunwang VDC, Rukum District."The study has attemptedto display the socio-economic and environmental impact of MHP in ruralareas. It is a descriptive type of study based on primary data. The 56 respondents were selected from139 household. It wasselectedrandom sampling method for this study. The main objective of this study is to examine the socio-economicand environmental impact of Lakharkhola MHP plant, to find out theattitude of community and sustainability of micro-hydro project in ruralarea. Among the total 56 respondents Magar caste (60.71%) hasdominated other caste. All of the respondents (56) reported that their lifestandard has been changed after electrical facility. Majority of respondent's (75%) family income has been increasedafter MHP. Most of the respondents (64.29%) have unable to meet theirannual food demand by crops and livestock. The status of forest has been improved after establishment of MHPin the study area. More than 53 percent respondents reported that thesanitation is improved after MHP. Positive impact has seen in humanhealth. One flour mill and oil mill is established in study area afterelectricity. Migration trend is zero percent in study area after MHP.More than85 percent respondents reported that there is positive effect in social cultural properties like change in behaviour and change inthinking. There is operation schedule in powerhouse and maintenanceresponsibility has gone to user committee women's participation is lowerin maintenance and using the electricity. More than 75 percentrespondents are satisfied by electricity.