Discourse Analysis on Two Long Term Problems; Too Many People Too Few Trees

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Faculty of English Education
This research study Discourse Analysis on Two long term problems; Too many people, Too few trees aimed to analyze the cohesive and coherence devices used in the essay 'Two long term problems; Too many people, Too few trees'. The objectives of the study were to find out the roles of cohesive devices and understanding the coherence roles for making the perfect combination between sentences to sentence. The carry out the research work, the researcher collected the sources from different reliable sources like related books, related research work done in the field of Discourse Analysis, views and notes of different scholars searched from the website. This study was concluded the wands which were identified in the tables with different cohesive words and coherence devices. The study was totally based on library-based research and analytical point of view. The researcher divided the words and put it into the table with it's cohesive features of each and also the coherence devices found the combination features among the sentences into the paragraph. The words were found with different cohesive features like reference, conjunction, grammatical, lexical etc. And coherence devices were found like cause-effect, clarification, in sequence, interchangeable, indirect etc. This research study was found highly evaluated in the field of research for all like, teachers, students, researcher, story writer, critics and so no. This thesis work consists of five chapter in total chapter one; introduction consists of general background, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study and delimitation of the study. Chapter two deals with the review of pre-work, usefulness of pre-work, theoretical framework, theoretical framework, system study of discourse analysis, elements of discourse