The Question of Life: A Study of Nihilism in Tennesse Williams’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

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Department of English Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara
This study entitled “The Question of Life: A Study of Nihilism in Tennessee Williams’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” aims to explore the theme of meaninglessness and futility of human life. It mainly focuses on Brick, the major character of the drama, who fails to make his life meaningful. He is completely indifferent towards his wife and parents. He wants to avoid the reality by drinking alcohol all the time. Williams has shown him as a character, frustrated, depressed and unsatisfied with everything and with every relationship in his life. Throughout the whole drama, Brick is just showing nihilistic attitudes. It is not only him, all other members of his family involve in futile effort of making their life coherent and meaningful. They are directly or indirectly living a nihilistic life. In addition, the setting of the play and the costumes of the characters reflect nihilistic perspective of human life.