Representation of Colonial Mentality in Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island

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Department of English
This research marks an attempt to explore the Representation of Colonial Mentality in Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. The obsession for materiality during the days of high Victorian era and the literary documentation or creation of contemporary scholars is to support for colonizer’s mission to expand territories in different non –western countries. The decay of moral values, disbelief with brothers and craze for collecting the property outside Britain was the pre-dominant culture and practice for Europeans. Stevenson's main concern is to expose the social frivolities and evil practices of contemporary society. In doing so, I have used Edward Said's Orientalism, Culture and Imperialism and Elleke Boehner's colonial and post colonial literature as a theoretical insight to analysize the text. The study comes to finding that Stevenson's political attitude pre-supposed to the non- western land as very much rich in its natural resources and as a colonialists his purpose is to import those resources in to Europe. For this purpose, they used masquerading enlightenment power and the act like domination of the colonized land for the valuable natural resources. Key Words: politics, Colonization, adventure narrative, material interest, domination