Production and Profitability of Fish Farming: A Case Study of Begnas Lake Area, Kaski

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Faculty of Economics
The study entitled, “Production and Profitability of Fish Farming in Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitian, Kaski” has been carried out in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Arts in Economics. The study has targeted to analyze profitability of fish farming and use means and resources applied in the study area. Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitan, ward num. 31 of Kaski district has been taken as the study area to study the production and analyze the profitability. There are 90 farmers which are directly involved in fish production in the study area. These are divided into five different strata (very low, low, medium, high and very high) on the basis of their production and forty five households were selected as respondents randomly in the condition to represent the strata. This study was mainly based upon primary data which were collected through the direct personal interview taken by researcher himself. Collected raw data has been analyzed through scientific standard unit then process in Excel program. This study has been organized into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the study, which includes background, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, limitations of the study, justification of the study and organization of the study. The second chapter includes theoretical review, reviews of the related studies and research gap are presented. Third chapter is related to research methodology, fourth chapter is related to analysis and interpretation of data. Finally, conclusion and suggestions have been presented in chapter five. The profit analysis of fish farming concludes that the fish farmers have been seen profitable in the study area. The farmers who produce fish in very low scale have only 2.1 percent average profit, low scale have average profit 6.1 percent, medium scale have 13.8 percent, high scale have 22.8 percent and the farmers that produce in very high scale have 55.2 percent average profit. The farmers who produce fish in large scale have been seen more profitable than in small scale. This study suggests the farmers for motivating them to higher productivity of fish for their more profit. The study has found that the growers are involving in traditional multi-farming activities and they have not given the priority in commercial fish farming though it is profitable and easy economic activity. It is therefore suggested to all the concerned that fish farming is reliable geographically and climatically suitable to Nepal, it can uplift the economic standard of people fast, so farmers should be provided with training and knowledge.