Resistance to US Hegemony in Hatim Kanaaneh’s A Doctor in Galilee: The Life and struggle of a palestinian in Israel

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Department of English
This thesis examines the US intervention in the regional politics of Middle East, especially in the afoot issue of Israel and Palestine. The unrest of this region has been descriptively narrated by the author Hatim Kanaaneh in his memoir A Doctor in Galilee: The Life and Struggle of a Palestinian in Israel where he sketches the domination and suppression of Arab minorities. US prevails itself as super power in the Arab zone, interfering in the internal affairs of Israel and Palestine. To show the situation I have used the theoretical tools like hegemony, power, discourse, and identity. The large territory of Palestine has been seized by Israel with the economic and military aids of US. Hatim is a Palestine born doctor who stays in Israel as an Arab minority; he encounters discrimination and torture. The compilation of various events inside the memoir unveils the struggles, triumphs, memories, and a hope of the indigenous Palestinian community living in a state that does not acknowledge their past or encourage their future. Through this work, he resists the US hegemony and wills to have his own distinct identity.