Provisions, Perspectives and Practices on Teaching Listening

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Department of English Education
The research entitled "Provisions, Perspectives and Practices of Teaching Listening" is an attempt to find out the provisions, teachers perspectives and practices that the Basic Level teachers have in teaching listening in their classrooms. For this research, I interviewed the English teachers. Five private and five community schools of Itahari sub-metropolitan were purposively selected as respondents. The data was collected from semi-structured interview questions. The data were analyzed and interpreted to find out the various perspectives and practices. The study found that the teachers agree on the importance of teaching listening, however, the frequency and organization of the listening activities in the classroom varies. They also believe that the insufficiency of time leads to less frequent listening activities. They also face several challenges such as time, resources and examination pressures. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study and delimitation. Second chapter deals with the review of related theoretical literature, review of related literature and conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with research design, sources of data, population and sample, sampling procedures, data collection tools, data collection procedures and method of analysis of data. Chapter fours deals with the results and discussions. Chapter five deals with the conclusion and recommendations.