Mental Enslavement In Edward P.Jone's The Known World

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Department of English
This thesis examines unique subject matter of black slave owning practice raised in Edward P. Jones’sThe Known World.It explores inspiriting factors for the black in slave holding business. Throughout the history of slavery in America, the black sufferedfrom white masters. But in the antebellum South, the time before Civil War, a few of them found practicing two types of slavery: benevolent slavery and commercial slavery. A slave turning to be master stands as contradictory aspects of blacks. White’s cultural influence over blacks and black’s mimicry of white culture inspires them to practice commercial slavery. Being the black they behave like white. The blacks interring to slavery business connotes the idea that slavery is not only a racial problem rather a Social problem. Black’s involvement in slavery tells that slavery is not only a matter of skin but also mentality.