Factors of Political and Economical Marginalization of Santhal Community: A case Study of Maharanijhoda Vdc,Jhapa District

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Department of Rural Development
This study is related to the Factors of political and economical Marginalization ofSanthal Community: A Case study of Maharanijhoda VDC, Jhapa District Theobjective of this study was to assess the the socio-economic status,role of politicalfactors for their backwardness and to analyze the challenges of mainstreaming themin development of santhal community. This case study was necessarily of qualitativeand descriptive in nature. The study was conducted with the sample size of 20-25households. For focus Group Discussion 10-12 representatives are selected from thesame community purposively from the jatruchaun, Maharanijhoda VDC. Tools forthe data collection was used interview schedule, household survey and focus groupdiscussion. Face to face interview with Selected santhal and non santhal people andpolitical leaders along with so called social leaders. The household survey was usedto collect demographic data and analyzed. Such collected data was analyzed by usingthematic categorization and interpreted descriptively. This study has been organizedinto six chapters. The findings of the study show that very poor socio economic condition of santhalcommunity. Political participation from their community is also not so satisfactory asthey are in minor power politically. Major challenges for mainstreaming are loweducation, poor socio-economic situation, less aware towards their own power andrights for justices and low social cohesion and sanitation. Thus they need moreeconomical and skills development activities along with the awareness activities fortheir justicesare my conclusion.