Using Pictures in Teaching Communicative Functions

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Department of English Education
The present study was conductedto examine the “Effectiveness of UsingPictures in Teaching Communicative Functions.” The objectives of the studywere to find out the effectiveness of pictures in teaching communicativefunctions and to suggest some pedagogical implications.` Pictures are the moreeffective materials in the field of language teaching which makes the classmore interesting and lively. The present study was an action research. Thestudy was conducted in Bhumedevi Secondary School, Thulogaun-6, Rasuwa.The students of classeight were taken as the sample of the study. A pre-testwas administered before real teaching. Then, the students were taught 10communicative functions using pictures for 15 days. Three progressive testswere administered in the interval of four days during the course of teaching andfinally a post-test was administered to determine the achievement of thestudents. After the interpretation and analysis of data, it was found that thepictures are the effective materials in teaching communicative functions inlower secondary level. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter consists of generalbackground, review of the related literature, objectives of the study andsignificance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology thatconsists of sources of data, sampling procedure, research tools for datacollection, process of data collection and limitations of the study. The thirdchapter is the body of thesis. It is concerned with analysis, interpretation andpresentation of the collected data. The data were analyzed and interpreted onthe basis of average score in the pre-test and the post-test. The last chapterdescribes the findings and recommendations derived from this research.