Pre Service Teachers’ Perceptios on Using critical Pedagogy in Elt Classes

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Faculty of Education
The present study entitled“Pre-service teachers perceptions on using criticalpedagogy in ELT classes”is a study aboutapplicability of critical pedagogyin ELT classroom.This study aims toexplore the pre-service teacher'sattitudestowardsusing critical pedagogy in ELT classes. To meet the objectives of thestudy, I adoptedsurvey researchdesign.In order to collect data, I selected 40pre service teachersof M.Ed third and fourth semester fromTribhuvanUniversity Campus, Kirtipur. The sample was selected by using randomsampling procedures for my research study.I used questionnaire for collectingdata. Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Fromthe analysis of data, it was found that majority of the pre service teachers werefamiliar with critical pedagogy. I also found few of the preservice teachers,who indicated that they lacked in understanding of critical pedagogy, assertedthat they were in favour of its use even-though they could not define theconcept.Therefore,finding showed that, there is a possibility of applyingcritical pedagogy in ELT classes. The thesis consists of five chapters, chapter one presents the introduction. Itconsists of background of the study, statements of the problems, significance ofthe study, objectives of the study, research questions, and delimitation's of thestudy and operational definitions of the key terms. Similarly, chapter twoconsists of the review of related literature and conceptual framework.Similarly, chapter three presents methods and procedures of the study. Thisincludes design of the study, population and sampling procedures, datacollection and data collection procedures. In the same way, chapter fourconsists of results and discussion of the data. Finally, chapter five incorporatessummary, conclusion, and implications. Based on results and discussion, someimportant findings and implications for the policy level, practice level andfurther research have been made.