Study of Status, Seasonal Diversity, Habitat Utilization and Distribution of Birds in Satikhel Community Forest and Dallu Community Forest in Seshanarayan VDC

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Department of Zoology
The present Study was carried out to access the Status, Seasonal Diversity, Habitat utlilization and Distribution in Satikhel community forest and Dallu community forest of Seshanarayan VDC. Line transect method was used for direct observation of birds.Shannon’s index of diversity and eveness was used for analysis of data,similarly relative abundance was calculated as Kopij, 2002. Time duration was five month, from spring, summer and autumn. 188 species belonging to 10 orders and 29 families. Order Passeriformes has highest number of family and bird species. Summerseason has the highest species richness and population followed by autumn and spring season. 85 species were residential similarly 16species summer visitor, 16 species winter one was of unknown status. Four main habitats; forest rivarine, human settlement and agricultural land. Forest was the major habitat with highest specific number. Booad-leaved forest and secondary under growth forest found best forest type for birds. Distribution wise transect-1 lying in Pariban area has highest number of species followed by transect-2, 3 and 4.Feeding gulid comprises insectivores, carnivores omnivores, granivores, frugivores and nectivores. Relative abundance was dominated by 5 very common species and 31 species have least relative abundance of rarecategory. The abundance and relative abundance category of birds were categorized depending upon the total population of birds. There were few number of threatened birds; one globally threatened, one included in CITES category III and eight species incategory II. Some threats for bird diversity in this area were wate rharvesting, forest fire, logging, human activities and road- noise pollution.