A Study on Code Mixing in 'Sukarat Ka Paila'

Puri, Raju
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Department of English Education
This research study entitled "A Study on Code –mixing in Sukarat Ka Paila" aims at identifying the mixed English expressions in the novel, the reasons of such mixing and predominantly it aims at exploring the opinions of literary figures and author towards mixing English code in Nepali expressions. The researcher collected data from primary and secondary sources. For primary sources the researcher selected twenty literary figures from Chitwan and Nawalparasi districts by using purposive sampling. Moreover, the researcher collected information from the author of the very novel 'Sukarat Ka Paila'. The researcher employed the diary, unstructured interview schedule and questionnaire as the research tools. This research study concludes with the findings that English code mixing in the Nepali language is common phenomenon. It is the cause of different factors like author's acquaintance in the English language, due to linguistic imperialism, due to advancement and rapid expansion of the English language, etc. among the mixed English expressions, word level expressions were high. Within word level also nouns were more in comparison to others. Thus, code-mixing is natural and common phenomena that every Nepali native speaker believes and accepts. This research work entails four chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction which, in turn, consists of general background, review of related literature, objectives and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with methodology.It incorporates sources of data both primary and secondary, tools for data collection, data collection procedure and limitations of the study. The third chapter consists of analysis and interpretation of the data to identify the reasons and perceived attitudes of the literary figures and author towards English code-mixing in Nepali expressions. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted separately by giving main headings and sub-headings. Such as interpretation of information collected from three tools. Finally, it also provides some recommendations on the basis of findings. The final section of the study incorporates the references and appendices.