Reflection of Nineteenth Century French Society in Guy de Maupassant’s Selected Stories

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Department of English
Thesis research entitled Reflection of 19th Century French Society in Guy de Maupassant’s Selected Stories focuses on the role of matter for the cultural construction of 19th century France, utilizing the theoretical concept of Raymond William .Maupassant illustrates the difference and tension between the upper and lower class in the 19th Century French society. A basic belief of the period was that a person is born into a class and that no one can move from one class to another. Maupassant, on the contrary, believes that personality, culture and class are not defined by birth. Instead, such categories are constructed based on power, position, and money. Even morality and marriage are determined by material interest. As to Maupassant, the barriers between classes are not natural and can be broken down. He looks at middle class morality and upper-class superficiality, and reflects the social ills of nineteenth century France and attests that all people are worthy of respect and dignity.