Household Decision Making Stauts of married Women (A Case Study of Kirtipur Municipality)

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Department of population studies
The study is carried our for the analysis of “Household Decision Making Status ofMarried Women”of Kirtipur Municipality ward no. 1, 2 & 3. The main objective of thisstudy is to examine the household decision-making power of married women of agegroup 15-49 yearssocio-economicstatus of women in study area.To analyze the marriedwomen of the study area in household decision making on purchases of daily householdneeds.To examine women participate in family major decision making power of freedomof movement,their education,migration status,casteethnicityandregions. This study is based on primary information of 80 married women among 152 females inth slected area, taken purposively as sample. The information has been collected by directinterview with the help of both structured and non-structured questionnaires. Theprocessing of the colected data has been done using Ms Excel. It has found that women are lagging behind in terms of land ownership and incomegenerating activities, they have satisfactory access in terms of using the modern housholdenergy resources, household income, possession and family planning measures. Theirparticipation in social activites is in the bottom wise, women with under SLC level ofeducation; migraton wise, migrated women and caste/ethnicity wise, Rai women arefoundin a better self decision making position.