Immediate oral feedback in students’ learning English at secondary level

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Department of English Education
This is a study on Immediate Oral Feedback in Students' Learning English at Secondary Level. The main objectives of this research were to find out teachers' perception and practices on immediate oral feedback in enhancing students' learning English. Qualitative descriptive research design was used for this study. To meet the objectives of the study, four secondary level English teachers currently teaching in community schools (class 9 to 10) of Sankhuwasabha district were selected using purposive sampling strategy. Semi-structured interview and classroom observation were used as techniques of data collection and observation diary and semi-structured questions were used as tools to collect the data. After analysis and interpretation of data I found that teachers had positive attitudes on providing immediate oral feedback and they provided immediate oral feedback frequently and immediately in their oral work. Similarly, they mostly used words and phrases like "great", "nice", "good job", "well done", "excellent", "keep it up", "you did it" in the oral form for providing feedback for the students. In the same way, they used repetition and clarification request as techniques for the correction of students' mistakes. They also said that immediate oral feedback works as the powerful tool to motivate students and helped to improve students' learning English. The present study consists of five chapters. The first chapter includes the introduction of the study (background, statement of problem, objectives, research questions, rationale, delimitation and operational definition). The second chapter deals with the review of related theoretical and empirical literature andthe conceptual framework (feedback, feedback in language learning, types, important of immediate feedback, principles, ways and challenges).Similarly, the third chapter contains methods and procedures of the study (design, population sample, data collection tools, procedure, analysis and interpretation). And the fourth chapter is about the analysis of the data and interpretation of the results in to different headings and sub-headings. Likewise, the fifth chapter incorporates the findings (findings related to teachers' perception and practice on immediate oral feedback)conclusion and recommendations (policy, practice and further research related) and the last section consists references, consent form and appendices.