Pronominals in English, Nepali and Newar

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Department of English Education
The present study entiled “Pronominals in English, Nepali and Newar” was an attempt tofind out Newar pronominals in relation to English and Nepali. Secondly, this researchendeavouredto compare and contrast Newar pronominals with those of the English andNepali languages. The researcher collected the data from both primary and secondarysources to accomplish the task. The primary sources of the data were native speakers ofNewar language from Kirtipur Municipality. Different books, journals, theses, websitewere the secondary sources of the data. The study place was selected throughjudgemental sampling whereas the study population, i.e. 80 informants were selectedusing snowball sampling. Interview and questionnaire were used as research tools fordata collection.The interview research tool was used for illiterate people andquestionnaire was used for literate ones.The collected data were analyzed and interpretedthrough the tabulation. After studying the data, the findings were drawn. The mainfindings of the present study are: Newar pronominal system is the most complex incomparison to English and Nepali due to the presence of the affixation, pluralization andalternatives. All the three languages have distinct pronominals but in comparison toEnglish and Nepali, the Newar language has more number of pronominals. The nasalizedsounds were found when the singular pronominals are pluralized. Newar personal,reflexive and possessive pronouns are categorized under three persons: 1 .There is the existence of inclusive and exclusive pronouns in plural number of 1 personpersonal, reflexive and possessive pronouns. It is also found out that there is the existenceof honorificand non-honorific system in 2 nd and 3 rd person personal, reflexive andpossessive pronouns. This thesis consists of four chapters: introduction, methodology, analysis andinterpretation and findings and recommendations.The first chapter deals with a briefintroductory survey of the related area of the study including general background,literature review, objectives and significance of the study. The second chapter includes st , 2 nd and 3 st rd the methodology: sources of data, population of the study, sampling procedure, tools fordata collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study. Similarly, chapterthree deals with analysis and interpretation of the data and chapter four incorporatesfindings, recommendations and pedagogical implications of the study.