Impact of Training: A Case Study of Skill for Employment Project (Sep) in Pokhara

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Central Department of Rural Development Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu
This study entitled “IMPACT OF TRAINING: A CASE STUDY OF SKILL FOR EMPLOYMENTPROJECT (SEP) IN POKHARA” deals with the impact of training on skill for employment projects graduates. The general objectives of the study is To analyze hotel management and hospitality sector training and describe the SEP graduate's employment status, opinion about training, employment satisfaction in Pokhara region. The specific objective were To explore employment activities of SEP graduates in Pokhara,To find out cause of unemployment, To find out the change in income generation by vocational training, To analysis the major previous and existing financial position of SEP graduates. Skills for employment are aimed to generate employment opportunities for those youth who could not complete higher-level studies. Through market oriented short term skill training, it aims to reduce the socio economic inequity existed in the county and uplift the economic condition of the people who are under the poverty line. Towards this end, according to the national and international labor demand, SEP has been providing training to 80,000 youths free of cost in different 125 places of 56 districts. The purpose of this study is to establish employment outcomes of the Vocational training graduates of SEP run in Pokhara on the field of hotel management and hospitality industry, beside employment situation, types employment activities, job behavior and graduates opinion about training also focused. SEP has regularly conducted different training program all over the country. These training programs are supported by SEP and totally free of cost raining. However impact of training is not clear due to lack of studies .It is apparent that without any substantial study. The study used a combination of quantities and qualitative research methodologies to collect and analyses data. The questionnaires for graduates solicited information on their personal detail, training details, employment status, cause of unemployment, and their opinion about vocational training. The study vi selected 3 technical training institutes and randomly 100 trainee graduated selected as sample from the 495 graduates due to sampling error only 85 graduates applicable for study. In this study, primary data has been collected directly from personal interviews and alternatively, used email questionnaires for job behavior observation of graduate’s. This study has categorized, Income, financial position, cause of unemployment has been measured through, ratio/percentage analysis, mean and standard deviation. Opinion about courses, job behavior observation, employment situation, have presented in pie chart, bar diagram and tables etc. SEP is to promote poverty reduction and stability by increasing engagement in wage and international employment and self-employment. Study shows 65% trainee graduates are unemployment, 12% trainee graduates are full time stable employee, 10% trainee graduates are part time stable employee, 11% trainee graduates engage on self-employment activities and 2% trainee graduate involved on unpaid employment. SEP has providing training to 80,000 youths free of cost in different 125 place but on the observation shows on the sector of hotel training in Pokhara is not significant of free training & graduates monthly household income; 28.2% graduates have less than Rs 6000 household income, 22.4% graduates have less than Rs 10000, 18.8% graduates have less than Rs 20000, 15.3% graduates less than Rs 25000 and 15.3% graduated have more than Rs 30000 monthly household income.However SEP practical trainings are very useful for those graduates who want to enter on the domestic and international wage market
Training, Employment creation, Employment status, Pokhara