English Used in Medicine Marketing

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Faculty of Education
The research entitled 'English Used in Medicine Marketing'is an attempt to find out the sentence patterns and functions oflanguage used in medicine marketing. In order to do so, theresearcher collected the data from both primary and secondarysources. The primary sourceswere themedical representatives ofKathmandu Valley. The sample population consisted of 30different medical representatives who were selected by usingstratified judgmental sampling procedure. The researcher took 10representatives while detailing orthopaedic products, 7 whiledetailing paediatric products, 7 while detailing gynaecologicalproducts and 6 while detailing general products. The data wereanalyzed and interpretedby using simple statistical tool such aspercentage to find out the sentence patterns and languagefunctions. On the basis of the collected data, the languagefunctions and sentence patterns were determined. The findingsof the research show that the language used bymarketers is fixed, such as S-P-PC (A) and S-P-IO-DO (A),patterns are more commonly used. Similarly, language functionssuch assocializing, imparting and seeking factual informationaremore common. On the whole, the overall language seems somehow different from other types of language. The study consist of four chapters, which are given below: IX The first chapter deals with the introduction. It consists ofgeneral background of the study, review of the related literature,objectives of the study, significance of the study and definitions ofthe specific terms. The second chapter deals with the methodologyadopted forthe study. It encompasses sources of data, population of the study,sampling procedures, tools for data collection, process of datacollection and the limitations of the study. The third chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation ofthe data whichisdone in terms of language functions and sentencepatterns.Percentage along with different tables and figures wereusedas statistical toolswhile analyzing and interpreting the data. The last chapter deals with the findings andrecommendations. On the basis of the analysis and interpretation,some significant findings are enlisted. On the basis of thesefindings, some recommendations for pedagogical implications andfurther researches are made. This chapter is followed by referenceand appendices.