Cyber Security Awareness Level in Teenage Group of Nepal
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Central Department of Mathematics and ICT Education
This research entitled "Cyber Security Awareness Level in Teenage Group of Nepal". The main objective of this study was to identify cyber security awareness level of teenager and to identify recent level of practice on cyber security by teenager. These objectives covered answer of these research questions: what is the cyber security awareness level of teenagers in Nepal? How is the Practice level of cyber security by teenagers in Nepal? What are the reasons that teenagers are more open to cyber-attacks than others? To fulfill these objectives this research adopted survey design method. This study was conducted in different five secondary level schools of Surkhet district among hundred students. These students were choosing from teen groups (13-19) and twenty students had chosen per schools and totally research conducted into hundred students. In this study here were number of structured questionnaire for collecting data. Generally, data from this research was analyzed using statistical tools. It followed percentile to analyze and interpret the gained data. Tools were pre – formulated questionnaire. The data were presented descriptively through tabulation method.
On the basis of collected data, the major conclusions drawn from the study are listed as follows: Most of the teenagers have used social sites and different web tools to be updated with new technology and for learning. Among all respondents about equally distributed as have to and have not to email address. The study has found that majority of teenagers used strong password. Most of the respondents did not change password regularly. Most of the teenagers used long password to protect their devices and social site profiles. There was not good in awareness level in the sense of cyber security as well as in practice level of its.
Securities, Awareness, Group