Suppression of Female and Women’s Resistance in Zoe Ferraris’s The Night of the Miraj

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Department of English
To read Zoe Ferraris The Night of the Miraj is to explain the live picture of Saudi Arab, and to excavate Muslim women’s are treatment under patriarchy and their culture. Because of the strict and conservative cultural beliefs, Muslim women have to face various problems and restrictions. The female who belongs to this socity are treated as animals,it does not mean that they bear whatever is done or imposed upon them. During the course of time, they become aware and conscious about their subordination and oppose the patriarchal social system by resisting against the biased traditional norms and values. The female characters in the novel like Nouf, Hijazi and Abir set their sense of resistance by opposing the existing system. Social systems are constructed by male, so that the male made system is unable to treat both sexes equally. They are male who create and interprete their cultural system in their own favour.