Learning strategies used in learning English

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Central Department of Education Tribhuwan Universify Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepa
The present study entitled "learning strategies used in learning english: a case Study of grade five" aimed to f,rnd out the learning strategies Used by students While learning the english language. Keeping the objectives in consideration; Five Students studying at gradefive in creative academy of Kathmandu District were Sampled through purposive non random sampling Procedure' the data for this Study had been collected through classroom observation' i observed forty classes Of students learning english at gradefive' the collected Data had been analyzed And interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively Using simple statistical tools Tabulation and percent age.itwas found that students Used all types of learning Strategies viz memory strategies, Cognitive strategies' compensation Strategies' Meta-cognitive strategies, affective strategies and social strategies' However Cognitive, meta-cognitive and social strategies Were used by them to a great extent' This thesis consists of five chapters And other sub chapters' the first chapter deals With the general background of the study, statement Of the problem' objectives of The study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations Of the study And operational def,rnition of the key terms' the second Chapter incorporates of Review of related theoretical literature' review of related empirical literature' Implications of the review for the study and conceptual Framework' similarly' the Third chapter is about the methods and procedure Of the study' it deals with the Design and method of the study, population, Sample and sampling strategy, study Arealfield, data collection tools and technique, Data collection procedure and data Analysis and interpretation procedure. Likewise the fourth chapter encompasses Of Analysis of data and interpretation of the results and summary/discussionOfFindings.inthesameway,chapterfiveconsistsofconclusionand Recommendation(policy level, practice level, and further research) of the study on The basis of the analysis and interpretation of the data followed by references and Appendic