Teacher's Beliefs and Practices on the Use of Questioning Strategy in ELT Classroom

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Department of English Education
The present research study entitled Teachers' Beliefs and Practices on the Use of Questioning Strategy in ELT Classrooms aimed to identify the beliefs of teachers on the use of questioning strategy and to find out the practices of questioning strategy in ELT classrooms. I used qualitative research design under narrative inquiry including three English language teachers; one frombasic and two from secondary level of Dang district as the sample population of the study. The teachers were selected through purposive sampling procedure. Interview and observation were used as the tools to collect the data for this study. The study contains qualitative data only. Data were described and analyzed descriptively.The belief of teachers was that they focus on open-ended questions because these types of questions develop creativity in the learners.Teachers belief regarding the importance of asking questions was to motivate the students, to evaluate the students whether they understood the lesson or not and to make students active. They have belief that they modify the questions if the students do not understand the questions.While observing the classes, the study revealed that teachers rarely asked open ended questions.Regarding time to ask question, most of the questions were asked while teaching the lesson.In observation, it was found that most of the questions they asked were for the purpose of evaluating the students' understanding, motivating them and actively participate in the classroom.It was also found that they modified questions when the students did not answer. The study revealed that the beliefs of teachers regarding type of questions did not match while observing their classes in the classroom. Their beliefs regarding importance of asking questions and modification of questions matched while observing their classes. This thesis is organized into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the background of the topic, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study, operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter includes review of related theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature, implications of the review for the study and conceptual framework. The third chapter covers all the areas of methodology such as design and method of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, research tools, sources of data, data collection procedures, data analysis and interpretations and ethical considerations. Likewise, the fourth chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of results. The fifth chapter includes findings, conclusions and recommendations followed by references and appendices.