Carol’s Magnificent Vision in Mainstreet

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Department of English
Lewis Clair’s Main street moves around the protagonist Carol’s visions which are supremely magnificent and outstanding. Her arrival to the new place triggers her to attempt for bettering the Gopher Prairie by persuading the villagers. But the public are much prejudiced and male-centric. Men have always plotted against her and her visions which are drastic. This customary population cannot tolerate the sight of the course she has directed and this is what the reason her goal remains suspended. She consequently loses hopes and ultimately realizes that men are accountable for her crush. Hence she is much serious and probing. She can winnow between rice and pieces of stone. She sees through the male mentality which is preoccupied with the quandary that women are inferior and incompetent of launching drastic changes in the society.Carol is much world-shattering in the sense that she is devoted to keep on combating for betterment and prosperity for the town Gopher Prairie. Even her husband thinks that she is poignant and does not have cogent power. Therefore he soothes her and tries to mollify her repulsive state. She lives an captivated life, and seems as cool and simple as an apple.