Relationship between house design and household: A case study of households of Sarbeshowar marga, Pokhara metropolitan city ward no 4

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Department of Sociology
Residents’ participation has become a topical issue in housing design research. Residents' participation is necessary in order to enhance the level of residential satisfaction as well as to understand the household along with the house. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between residential designs not only the architectural point of view but also the socio-economic factors that determine family lifestyle and house design. This examination includes consideration of how the layout and configuration of residential environments impact interpersonal relationships among family members, how well the residential environment supports self-expression of each family member, and how the residential environment promotes place-identity for family members. Embedded within this exploration is an examination of territoriality and control and how these are connected to place-identity in the family setting. The results of this study offer insights into how to gather meaningful program information and how it might be applied in residential design services. By the help of personal interview technique and case study, the investigator was able to identify macro themes cutting across all the participating personals expressions. At the same time, however, these tools provided keen insights into each family’s idiosyncrasies and interpersonal dynamics of particular note is the fact that this combination of tools established an environment where by each family member’s input was equally respected. The data were obtained by interview and case study analysis was done. Findings show how house design is mainly governs by economic factors which are further carried by some socio-cultural aspects of households. Last but not the list Household and house design have direct relationship with each other as house design play’s direct role upon the interaction and communication of the household members living in the house. The study recommends that the sociological prospective is also another dynamic which is if considered during a house design is something that also helps to reform and make a good habitat for a family and a society.