The Protagonist's Moves against Racism in Lee's Go Set a Watchman

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Department of English
The thesis is an attempt to analyze the novel Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee through racism. The protagonist, Jean Louise, who once found her father, Atticus to be her real guard and a speaker against racism, now goes against him because she finds him being a racist having prejudice towards the black people. The issue why and how this man changed from anti-racist to racist, or whether he was a disguised person is the problem to be solved in the thesis. Atticus who is a lawyer by profession had done justice to a black man who was accused of raping a white girl, but now he thinks that the black people are backwards and if they are given freedom with rights, they will misuse it. The solution to this problem is that Jean’s father has been manipulated by power and goes against his initial stand, regarding racism. Therefore, Jean goes against him even if she regards him not only as her father but also her mentor. The lady who was dependent upon him in the past, has now developed her own conscience, and stands on her own feet supporting the truth.