Commodificationof HumanValues in Mulk RajAnand’sNovelDeath of a Hero

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Department of English
Thisthesis analyses Mulk Raj Anand’s NovelDeath of a Herofrom the perspective of commodification of human values. The victimization and objectification of the Muslims in the novel is unveiled and done justice to the characters who have been oppressed and treated very badly. The research, therefore, attempts to uncover the underlying structure of the exploitation of poor people under capitalistic social system and in the war or violence. So, the suppressed and victimized poor Muslims of Kashmir are struggling for food and freedom for just to exist. Juma, Quadri and Saleem Bux and other Muslim people are maltreated in the hands of Muratib Ali and Saradar Mohamad Jilani. Even they cannot establish the healthy human relation; but their love, compassion, feelings all are commodified. On the other hand, the Muslim people are also suffering from the violence, Indo-Pak war. So, it has been also depicted that the rivals treat their opponent as the commodity and forget the human values and sensibilities. The protagonist Maqbool Sherwani, the representative of poor Muslims gets killed as he opposed this exploitation and commodification.