Status of Child Delivery: A Study of Mahendranagar Municipality In Kanchanpur District

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Department of Population Studies
The study on "Child Delivery: A Study of Mahendranagar Municipality in Kanchanpur District" has been carried out using primary sources of data obtained from 228 respondents of currently married women aged 15-49 years. The study was conducted at Mahendranagar Municipality of Kanchanpur district in February 2006.The main objectives of the research area as follows:  To inaugurate practices of safe delivery differential by ethnicity. To examine the safe delivery practices by occupational differential. To assess the safe delivery practices by the level of education of mothers. To examine the safe delivery status by level of availability of media related amenities in the household. Frequency tables, percent distribution and cross tables are used to describe socioeconomic and demographic status of currently married women. Similarly, bi-variate correlation coefficients are used to examine association among dependent and independent variables. Formulations of hypothesis are as follows: On the basis of above literature review and conceptual framework adopted for thisstudy following hypothesis could be formulated.  Higher the ethnic hierarchy more will be the practice of safe delivery. More the non-agricultural occupation higher will be the safe delivery practices. Higher the level of education higher the safedelivery practices. Higher the use of media household higher will be the use of safe delivery services. The main findings of the study area are as follows:  Brahman and Tharumarried at mean age of 20.6 and 17.3 have mean CEB1.6 and 2.6 respectively.  SLC plus respondents married at the mean age of 20.9 and 18.4 have mean CEB 1.6 and 2.6 respectively.  Respondents involved in business and wages married at respective age of20.8and 18.3 have CEB 1.6 and 2.1.  Respondents in contact with information media are found to have latelymarriedhaving less CEB.  Out of different ethnic groups, Brahmans and Tharu used safe delivery place and unsafe delivery place respectively.  It was found that (Grade 8-10) used safe delivery (85.53%) while illiterate used unsafe delivery (58.82%).  On the basis of occupation the respondents, it was found that those involved in trade/business used maximum safe delivery and those in wages used unsafe delivery.  Respondents in exposure to mass media used safe delivery, but those notexposed to mass media have unsafe delivery.  Brahmans were found to use safe delivery kit while Tharu were found to use unsafe delivery kit.