Women's Decision Making Power in Gorkha District

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Department of Population Studies
This study examines women’s involvement in decision-making on the household activities at Dhawa VDC in Gorkha district.The analysis has been done on the basis of data generated from the household survey, questionnaire, key informant interview techniques and group discussion as well as from secondary data, which are used under the descriptive and explanatory method.Demographic and socio-economic indicators are used to measure the decision making level inhousehold. There is a small comparison between Brahmin/Chhetri and Dalit women in the household decision making level. We find the mixed output among the activities. Illiterate women are more involved in cropping decision, household management and livestock farming than literate women where as literate women decide the method of family planning. Education isnot only the determinant to improve the decision making level. Mostly low socio economicstatus directly link to low decision-making power. However, there are some issues to be furtherstudied between literate and illiterate women. This study summarizes that their involvementseems in most activities of the household but they don’t have purchasing power. It means thatthey do not have controlling decision over the resources. Literate and illiterate Dalit respondentparticipation on social activities is closely related to decision making than Brahmin/Chhetrirespondents. This study showed that only education can not change women all over status andtheir decision-making power, where there are several things are playing the role in our society. V