Domestic Violence against Women (A Case Study of Madanpokhara Vdc, Plapa District)

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Department of Population Studies
This study on "Domestic Violence Against Women". Study of Madanpokhara VDC , Palpa district. This study is mainly based on primary data as well as secondary data. Primary data were collected by lottery method of simple random sampling method The main objective of the study is to analyze the situation of violence against women, to examine the cause of violence against women and to examine the knowledge and awareness of domestic violence against women. 72.8 percent s were engaged in agriculture and only 12 percent were in service. Physical assult, verbal abuse, careless during pregnancy, dowry related violence, alcoholism were main violence of faced women in study area. Alcoholism was the main cause of domestic violence against women. 94.7 percent respondents reported that alcoholism was main cause of domestic violence. Most of husband takes alcohol then it created quarrel in home and create many forms of violence. 92.4 percent respondents have quarreled with wife. Majority of the respondent's keeps their domestic violence secrete for the sake of prestige. Only 38.4 percent respondents have property ownership. The status of literacy is not so bad, where 74.4 percent respondents were literate and 72 percent respondents were not satisfy with their study. 91.2 percent respondents were heard about domestic violence against women. In study area 55.3 percent respondents reported that only education can not be prevented violence against women but awareness (75.4%) is main way of prevented violence against women. In study area majority of respondents were Brahmine (80%) but the main cause of violence was alcoholism. Domestic Violence is due to unequal distribution of power between male and female. Therefore effective programm should be developed to involve an equal number of female in decision making level and strongly prohibited abuse of alcoholism in study area.