A Comparative Study on the Communicative Proficiency Between Students of Public and Private Schools of Grade Nine

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Department of English Education
The importance of communicative English use can be hardlyexaggerated. Avoiding the ‘day to day’ and real life communicative English, the purpose of language teaching cannot be fulfilled. So, to findout the basic objective of language teaching and learning and mainly, totest that thecurrent English language course has been able to fulfil thelearners’ need or not is the main concern of this dissertation. In order todo so, the researcher has tried to examine the communicative proficiencyof grade nine students. The research work attempts to find out the ability to usecommunicative English of grade nine students from both public andprivate sectors. To do so, the researcher collected data from the publicand private schools of grade nine. The total sample population of thestudy consists of eighty students selected by using simple randomsampling procedure. To elicit the required data, the researcher has used both type ofsources; primary and secondary. The primary source of data consists offorty students from public and forty from private schools. Equal numberof boys and girls were included in the study. This study found that the proficiency in communicating abilities ofgrade nine is not satisfactory. Comparatively the proficiency of theprivate school students are found satisfactory than the students of publicschool students. All the students are better in receptive type of languagefunction than the productive type of language function. This study consists of four chapters–Chapter one consists of the general background, reviewof the related literature, objectives of the study, significance of the study. ix Chapter two consists of the methodology of the study .Itencompasses the sources of data population of study, samplingprocedures, tools for data collection, process of data collection andlimitation of the study. Chapter three consists of the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. The data were analyzed on the basis of the variablesspecified objectives i.e. the holistic, content wise, gender wise and school wise analysis of the students’ proficiency in communication in English. Chapter four consists of the major findings and recommendations of the study.