Situation of Elderly Peoplein Nepal (A Case Study of Amchowk VDC, Ilam District)

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Department of Population Studies
This study entitled “Situation of Elderly People in Nepal (A Case Study of Amchowk VDC, Ilam District)”. Study is based on the primary data collected in four wards 3,5,8 and 9 from these VDC. The main objective of the study was to identify the situation of elderly people and their socio-economic and demographic, health status and support and care system available in the community for elderly people in this area. The primary data was collected from usingby lottery ( probability) and purposive sampling method. From the Amchowk VDC one fourth wards 3,5,8 and 9 was selected by lottery system.Thetotal populationwas listedand 150 respondents was identified by calculating sample interval among totalelderly population from eachward. Major finding were that, respondents were 50 percent male and 50 percent female, whereas found that majority of the elderly people 28 percent Limbu and then 24 percent Brahamin and 20.7 percent Rai. Among the total respondents 50 percent currently married and 41.3 percent were widow/widowers. By religion, more than 46.7 percent were Kirat and 43.3 percent were Hindu and among them 50.7 percent were illiterate. Similarly, most of the elderly people 35.3 percent have 3-4 child and 59.3 percent elderly people are living with their son/daughter in law and also 40.7 percent of elderly people decided by their son/daughter in law. Higher the number of elderly people are engage in agriculture as well as main source of consumption and large 82 percent of elderly people reported that they have health problem; during sickness they go to health post/hospital for the treatment. Most of the elderly people 90 percent have knowledge about old/widow allowance and 68 percent are getting old/widow allowance which were used 54.9 percent for eating food. Majority of elderly people 46.7 percent were wish to prayer/worshipping from the community and 37.3 percent elderly peoplewish to do well treatment and take care from the state. The study conclusion that elderly people have poor health status and most of elderly are illiterate. Status of elderly people is directly or indirectly affected by their education, economic status and family support. So that it is need for elderly people family, society and nation should give the positive support and utilized their knowledge and experience for development sector.