Activities in Teaching Short Stories

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Department of English Education
The study is about the" Activities in teaching short stories". The objectives of the study is to find out the activities used in teaching short stories at lower secondary level and to suggest some pedagogical implications for enhancing teaching learning process of the story at lower secondary level. For this study 40 students and 20 lower secondary level English teachers, from both public and private schools were purposively selected. In order to collect relevant data, two sets of questionnaires were distributed to the teachers and students and ten classes of the teachers were observed by using class observation form. After analyzing the data collected through question naire and class observation, it has been found that most of the teachers always explained the title of the story before teaching it. Furthermore, 40% students replied that their teachers never used pictures and postures to describe the story. This study is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter encompasses the introduction of the story. It incorporated general backgrounds, literature,genres of literature's, literature and language teaching, value of literature in language classroom, approaches to teaching literature, activities used in teaching short stories, short stories types of short stories , review of related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology used for the study described in terms of the sources of data collection, tools used for collecting data, procedure of data collection and limitations of the study. The third chapter deals with the presentation of the analysis and interpretation of the data. The data were analyzed and interpreted by using simple statistical tool of percentage.Based on the analysis and interpretation of chapter third, the fourth chapter regards with the findings and recommendations of the study. The concluding chapter is followed by the references and appendices that are used in the thesis.