Learning Strategies Used by Maithili Learnersof English at Higher Secondary Level

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Faculty of Education
The present study entitled, "Learning Strategies used by Maithili Learnersof English at Higher Secondary Level" aims to identify the learningstrategies adapted by Mathili students and the benefits they got fromthose strategies for thedevelopment of knowledge. The research study ismainly based on the primary sources of data which was collected fromthe 100 Maithili students in different campuses of Dhanusha district. Thedata obtained from the respondents with the help of the questionnaire andinterview have been analyzed and interpreted using simple statisticaltools. The study found that metacognitive strategies were used by theMaithili learners of English of higher secondary levels to a great extend.The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one is introductory one. Itincludes general background, review of the related literature, objectivesand significance of the study. Chapter two deals with the methodology. Itincorporates sources of data, sampling procedures, tools of datacollection, process of data collection and limitations of the study. Chapterthree encompasses analysis and interpretation of data. In this section bothstatisticaland descriptive approaches have been used. Chapter fourincorporates findings and recommendations of the research. Thereferences and appendices form the concluding part of the thesis.