Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Contraceptive Methods (A Case Study of Gurung Married Women of Reproductive age Group (15-49), Gumi VDC, Ward No.1, 4 And 5 At Surkhet district)

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Department of Population Studies
The study onKnowledge, Attitude andPractice of ContraceptiveMethods in GurungCommunity has been carried out using primary dataobtained from 101 households of 101 currently married women of reproductiveage in Gumi VDC, ward No. 1, 4, and 5 of Surkhet district. The objectives ofthis study are:  to identify the knowledge of any contraceptive method amongmarried women of 15-19 years of age.  to find out the attitude of contraceptive devices among themarried women of reproductive age.  to identify the reason for use and non use of contraceptivemethods of married women. The total sample population is 490 in the study area among them 246 aremales and 244 are females. The average size of household is 4.9 percent. Thesex ratio is fund 100.8. The overall literacy rate has been found 82 percent. Themajor occupation isobtained agriculture (82.2%). Majority of currently married women (98%) are familiar with at leastone contraceptive method. Among the specific method injection appears to bethe best known method (40.5%). Modern contraceptive methods are morefamiliar than traditional methods among Gurung women. About 73.3 percent respondents have stated that the principal advantageof contraception is to make happy family life. More or less 51.5 percent womenhave reported that there should be above 4 years interval between two births. The ever user rate is found 88.1 percent whereas current user rat is 73.3percent. The most practiced contraceptive method is injection (40.5%). Theliner relationship is found between number of living children and current use ofcontraceptives methods. Level of education of women and practice ofcontraceptive are positively correlated. The peak use of contraceptive methodsis found in those women who have already one son. Main reason for not usingcontraceptive method is found to want children. Irregular menstruationweakness is found the main side-effect of contraceptive methods among currentusers of Gurung women.