A Study on Strategies of Teaching Poetry at Higher Secondary Level
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Faculty of English Education
This research is an attempt to find out the strategies in teaching poetry at higher
secondary level. It also aims to suggest the effective strategies for teaching poetry
at this level. In order to achieve these objectives, three research tools-
questionnaire to the English teachers, class observation form and questionnaire for
the students were prepared.Twenty Secondary Schools of Morang district were
selected for the collection of data from the English language teachers of those
schools.Five students from each school were randomly selected from where data
were collected. After preparing the tools the researcher visited the selected schools
of Morang district for collecting data. The researcher administered the
questionnaire to the English language teachers and also took face to face interview
with them. The researcher observed the classes of the poem of those teachers.
Moreover, the researcher administered the questionnaire to the students of twenty
selected schools to collect data.It was found that there were not any fixed
strategies in teaching poem in higher secondary level. The strategies were different
from one teacher to another. The condition of teaching poem was not satisfactory
and the teachers were not adopting communicative approach of teaching. Itwas
found that in some cases the teachers were unaware of the purpose of teaching
poem. The preliminary and follow up activities were found too weak. It was found
that teaching poem is most in language teaching. It can contribute a lot to develop
language skills, cultural enrichment and creativity of the students.
The present study consists of four chapters: Chapter one deals with general
background, objectives of the study, significance and review of related literature.
Chapter two deals with methodology of the study under which sources of data,
population of the study, tools for data collection and limitations of the study are
presented. Chapter three deals with the analysis and interpretation. The analysis is
done in two sections.The first section deals with the analysis of collected data in
terms of strategies and the second section gives some suggestions of effective
strategies for teaching poetry. Chapter four deals with the summary, findings and
recommendations of the study.
Teaching poetry, English language