Irony in Victorian Liberalism: A Study of Trollope’s The Warden

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Department of English
Trollope's The Warden ironically unearths the sway of liberalism in Victorian England and its negative effect on the city of Barchester. The irony lies in the objective of Bold which turns into opposite direction at the ending. People like John Bold and the bedsmen of Hiram's Hospital try to exercise liberalism with hope of getting benefits from it without caring its negative result. Because of over exercising freedom and liberty , it not only ruins the life of Mr. Harding, but they also overcome to pathetic situations. this ironical turning in the disillusions the hope of liberalism is false like the chimera. The chimera of liberalism victimizes Septimus Harding, John Bold and the bedsmen until they cease to follow it. In this light, the concept of liberalism is not always good and beneficial - it is ironical. The whole foundation of novel is the attempt to get the promise of liberalism and its ironical tone because of the futile hope of the characters like Bold and the beds men. The ironical device has been enacted in this novel to portray the real, bitter and somehow negative effect of liberalism existed in Victorian society.
Social foibles, Victorian society, Christianity, Liberalism