Job Satisfaction among Female Teachers in Public Schools in Pokhara

Gurung, Kumari Bheem
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Department of Anthropology
“The job satisfaction among the Female Teachers of Public Schools” is a study on different dimensions of teaching women. The prime aim of this study is to find out the teachers perception on ‘Job Satisfaction’ and to identify the factors which affect job satisfaction. Out of 33 wards in Pokhara Metropolitan city, four wards were selected purposively for this study. There are seven Public Schools in these study area where total numbers of female teachers are 113. In any context education has played a vital role for overall development of the society in the history of mankind. It is duly said that history of mankind is just the history of education. The study has focused on the perception of female teachers regarding job satisfaction. It has been found that job satisfaction according to female teachers isn’t restricted to only salary rather there are other factors as well which they considers the influencing factors. The research shows friendly and supportive colleagues, interesting job, good employee- employer relationship, flexible and safe working place as the most important factors for job satisfaction. Almost all of them wanted some support from their family members for the betterment in their professional lives. Even they desired some sharing in their work with their family members. They do like multiple roles because it proves their capability. But they found it much more when they are not able to manage their roles and responsible in hard times. If female teachers has Gender Responsive working Environment there exists democratic norms in performing school activities teachers would enjoy more freedom of work and turn, her job satisfaction would be better in the present study. Directly or indirectly every respondents accepts that they are stuffed with more work load and responsibilities. Problem faced by women is stress caused by role conflict or multiple roles. There is close relationship between their incomes and expenditure. Their volume of expenditure generally shows their living standard and either they are enjoying the qualitative lives or not. Most of the female teachers are not given the proper opportunities. Also they are facing the problem of underestimation towards them.
Job satisfaction, Female teachers, Public schools