Novice English language teachers' perceptions towards the role of micro-teaching for real teaching

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Department of English Education
It is believed that microteaching is a space for the prospective teachers to learn pedagogic skills required for real teaching. Yet, the practice of it looks questionable because of not doing effective application. Hence, the present study entitled “Novic English Language Teachers’ Perceptions towards the Role of Micro-Teaching for Real Teaching” was conducted to find out the perceptions of novice English language teachers on the role of micro-teaching in real teaching and the challenges in implementing micro-teaching activities. The study was conducted using survey research design. The population of the study consisted all English language teachers who have done microteaching in their academic studies. Among them, only 45 teachers were chosen as sample using simple random procedure. A set of questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. The collected data were analysed both statistically and descriptively. Findings of the study showed that teachers perceived micro-teaching plays important roles for prospective teachers to learn skills required for real teaching. However, teachers also realized the issues in the implementation of micro-teaching. The issues are related to practice, supervisor, pattern of micro-teaching. This study comprises altogether five chapters. The first chapter is introductory part which includes background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Similarly, second chapter includes the review of theoretical and empirical literature and its implications as well as the conceptual framework. In the same way, third chapter deals with the method and procedures of the study under which design of the study, population sample and sampling strategy, research tools, data collection procedures, data analysis and interpretation procedure as well as ethical considerations are mentioned. Likewise, fourth chapter comprises analysis and interpretation of results. Fifth chapter includes summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations. Finally, the references and appendices are included.  