Women in Household Decision Making Process: A Study of High Caste Women in Purkot VDC, Ward No-6: Tanahun District

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Department of Population Studies
The present study is an analysis of “Women in Household Decision Making Process"among high caste married women at age 15-49 years. Its sample cluster is Purkot VDC ward no-6 of Tanahun districts. This study is based on primary information. Out of 193 households 108 households were included purposively as sample for the study. This study has attempted to portray the decision making power of married women in household chores, farm management, educational aspects and family planning related activities. It also demonstrates the socio-economic status of women as awhole in the study area. It has found that the two ethnic groups the socioeconomic status of Brahmin is high.Majority of Brahmin respondents participated in community level committees. Chettries respondents took more participation in household decision making process then Brahmin respondents.